A TV news has suggested that Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) has come under the scanner for some unusual activity in the party’s bank account for the past few days. From the day banks reopened after Prime Minister Narendra Modi banned Rs 500/1000 notes, over Rs 100 crore has been deposited in BSP’s bank account.

blackmoneyraidMaking it for one of the biggest revelations since note ban, Rs 104.36 crore has been placed in BSP’s account in Union Bank located at New Delhi’s Karol Bagh, India TV reported

“Out of the total amount, Rs 3 crore was deposited in old notes of Rs 500, whereas the remaining Rs 101.36 crore was in Rs 1,000 currency denominations,” said TV reporter.

PM Modi had disclosed his plan for eliminating black money on November 8. Following his announcement of scrapping high denomination currency notes, banks were shut on November 9.