The Railway Safety Commissioner Shailesh Kumar Pathak today reached Bahanaga station and visited the signal and control room. Mr Pathak said the probe is underway and the exact cause of the accident will be known after the probe is over. Sources said the Assistant station master of Bahanaga Bazar was quizzed for several hours.
Railway minister Ashwini Vaishnaw earlier said the investigation will help find the root cause of the accident. He also asserted the train collision happened due to a change in electronic interlocking.
Meanwhile, after 51 hours, train communication resumed at Bahanaga train accident site, clearing the way for the resumption of services between Kolkata and Chennai.
Akashvani correspondent reports, Barely two hours after the restoration of the down line, the up line was also restored. Restoring train services marks a significant step towards recovery after the tragic accident.
Railway sources said long-distance trains, including Howrah – Puri Vande Bharat Express passed through Bahanaga. Railways have started running passenger trains on the tracks which were affected due to the train accident.
Union railway minister Ashwini Vaishnaw congratulated all those who have worked relentlessly to restore services.