The Nepal government has decided to recall its Ambassador to India, Deep Kumar Upadhyay. According to Kathmandu post, the Nepal Ministry of Foreign Affairs recalled Upadhyay levelling three charges against him including his alleged brazen involvement in toppling the current KP Oli led government. He has also been accused of coming to Nepal without informing the Ministry and hobnobbing with Indian Ambassador to Nepal Ranjit Rae to visit Madhes districts against government.

Top sources in the government told the Post that Cabinet has already decided to recall envoy Upadhyay after his short conversation with Prime Minister K P Oli on Friday morning. The conversation reportedly took place after the cancellation of President Bidhya Devi Bhandari’s scheduled visit to India.

He was appointed as Nepali Ambassador to India in April last year from the Nepali Congress quota.

The government has also accused him of non-cooperation during PM Oli’s India visit in February and the proposed official visit of President Bidya Devi Bhandari to India.