Ladakh Lieutenant Governor RK Mathur virtually inaugurated a 5-day Ladakh Screenwriters Fair in Leh on Monday. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Mathur said Ladakh technicians and content providers are familiar with the film industry. He said, Ladakh has been part of the industry with its natural beautiful landscapes and culture. He appealed to the participants to gain the knowledge and guidance from the experts of the film industry to present Ladakh in film media.
Union Territory Ladakh Secretary Commissioner Padma Angmo said Screenwriters fair is result of continuous persistence by the LG to present Ladakh own stories in Ladakhi dialect by Ladakhis and for pan-India consumption.
Fundamentals of screenwriting, sketching the Character’s arc, Writing for Documentary, Episode Writing, OTT and Marketing will be explained during the Fair by Satyanshu Singh, Shakun Batra, Abhya Pannu, Shaunak Sen, and Pratyush Parasuram.