Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi today recieved warm welcome as he arrived in Tel Aviv today. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed him in a ceremonial function at the Ben Gurion Airport.

Welcoming him the Israeli Prime Minister said that it is indeed a historic moment for both the nations and Israel was waiting for almost 70 years for this visit. He said when it comes to India and Israel relations, even sky is not the limit as the two countries are also cooperating in space.

Mr. Netanyahu said Israel is committed for India’s “Make in India” initiative and wish to ” Make with India”.

Speaking on the occasion Prime Minister Narendra Modi said India and Israel share a long historical people to people relationship. He said he is honoured to be the first Prime Minister of India to visit Israel. He said the visit celebrates centuries old link between the two societies.

The Prime Minister said he is committed to transform challenges into opportunities. He said India is an old civilization but a young country as 800 million youth are below the age of 35 years.

The talented and skilled youth in India are its driving force who will help in achieving my vision of transforming India.

Prime Minister Modi said that India and Israel are committed to partner to sustain high growth and development challenges common to both the countries. He said the creative energies of youth and entrepreneurs of both the countries is an asset.

Mr Modi said that securing our countries against terrorism is a shared concern of both the countries. He said both the countries have embarked upon a path breaking journey of engagement as India and Israel march together to forge a strong relationship.

Later on Prime Minister visited Yad Vesham, Israel’s official memorial for victims of holocaust. Late in the evening Prime Minister is scheduled to have a private dinner with his Israeli counterpart.