Terming the nuclear deal with Iran as the worst agreement ever, US President Donald Trump has assured visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Tehran will never be able to build a nuclear weapon.

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Addressing a joint press conference with Mr Netanyahu at the White House last night, Mr Trump said the security challenges faced by Israel are enormous, including the threat of Iran’s nuclear ambitions. The US President said, his administration has already imposed new sanctions on Iran, and he will do more to prevent Iran from ever developing a nuclear weapon. He said the American security assistance to Israel is currently at an all-time high to ensure that the Jewish state has the ability to defend itself from many threats.

“The security challenges faced by Israel are enormous, including the threat of Iran’s nuclear ambitions, which I’ve talked a lot about.  One of the worst deals I’ve ever seen is the Iran deal.  My administration has already imposed new sanctions on Iran, and I will do more to prevent Iran from ever developing — I mean ever — a nuclear weapon”.

Mr Trump said, the US and Israel have a long history of cooperation in the fight against terrorism and the fight against those who do not value human life. America and Israel are two nations that cherish the value of all human life, he said.

Mr Netanyahu applauded Mr Trump for his strong stand on Iran and radical Islamic terrorism. Mr Netanyahu said their alliance is based on a deep bond of common values and common interests and those values and interests are under attack by radical Islamic terror.