Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar is reported to have agreed for CBI probe into gang rape and murder of Muslims women in Mewat. CM told a delegation from Mewat led by INLD’s Nuh MLA Zakir Hussain and former Congress minister Aftab Ahmed called on him Wednesday.

Sources confirmed the case would be transferred to the CBI from the Special Investigation Team (SIT). Shoddy investigation into the case has embarrassed the police.

The government had announced the Special Investigation Team (SIT) headed by a senior police officer of the level of an Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) or Inspector General of Police (IGP) to investigate all aspects of the Mewat case.

Hussain alleged the police were dilly-dallying on the investigation at the behest of a Union Minister even though four persons were arrested later.

The delegation demanded Rs 50 lakh in compensation each for gang rape victims and government jobs for the children of deceased couple.

Two gang-rape victim of a Muslim family in Mewat, Haryana have demanded CBI probe into their ordeal alleging local police of being soft on accused. The Victims alleged that local police is soft on accused as they are part of RSS and Gao Raksha Dal.

haryan rape victims


The two women victims of the same family are from Tuda village of Mewat. According to victims. In the night of August 24 -25 when they were sleeping at their home some 10 people stormed the house. First, they cruelly killed Rashidun and elderly women and then her husband Ibrahim. After the murder in the house four men raped a 21-year-old lady and then they also gang raped a minor girl of the same family.

The ordeal continued almost three hours (12 to 03, am) in the night.
Both victim families were living outside the village on a small house house as care takers of the farms.



On Wednesday, these women came to Delhi with the help of some NGOs and narrated their ordeal before media. “We do not trust state police and the government. So we are seeking the CBI probe into whole incident,” said a relative of victim.

“We cannot narrate the torment we suffered in hand of criminals. We do not trust the police. We want CBI probe. Still many people (accused) are walking free,” said a victim of gang rape sobbingly. Police arrested four people present, but six accused are still at large.

According to Ramzan Ali an advocate representing the victims the accused threatened as ‘You would not be able to kill Gau Mata this Bakrid’ while committing the heinous crime.

The Facebook wall of the alleged killers and rapists also show that they are involved in hate mongering , added Ramzan.

Initially the police did not book the case under 307, 302 or even 96. But these sections were included after a massive protest by the locals.