Gujarat Finance minister Kanubhai Desai on Friday presented the state budget for the year 2023-24, with an estimated outlay of Rs 3.01 lakh crore which is 23.38 percent higher than the previous year.
The finance minister announced to keep the tax rates unchanged for the coming year and not to impose any new tax.
The minister announced new schemes such as Mukhyamantri Adim Jati Sarvangi Utkarsh yojana for the comprehensive development of primitive tribes and Mukhyamantri Shramik Basera Scheme for the welfare of construction workers. He also announced to increase the annual insurance limit per family under PMJAY from 5 lakh to 10 lakh.
The government proposes to spend 2 lakh crore for green growth for the next five years. The finance minister also announced to increase the renewable energy production in the state by 42 percent by the year 2030. The government also announced to spend 8 thousand crore for the development of five important tourist places such as Statue of unity, White desert Dholavira, Ambaji, Gir wildlife sanctuary- Somnath and Dwarka over five years. The government also announced approximately 1.5 lakh crore investment in country’s first Semicon- display manufacturing hub at Dholera.