Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved Rs 59,048 Crore Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for more than 4 Crore Scheduled Castes students in 5 years. Briefing media, Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Thawarchand Gehlot said, the Central Government will spend Rs 35,534 Crore for it, which is 60 per cent and the balance 40 per cent will be spent by the State Governments.
It is estimated that 1.36 Crore such poorest students, who are currently not continuing their education beyond 10th standard would be brought into the higher education system in the next 5 years.
The Central share in the scheme would be released in DBT mode into the bank accounts of the students. Central Assistance of Rs 1100 crore annually during 2017-18 to 2019-20 would be increased more than 5 times to be around Rs 6,000 crore annually during 2020-21 to 2025-26.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that today’s Cabinet decision on post-matric scholarship will ensure greater educational access to youngsters belonging to SC communities. In a tweet, Mr Modi said, ensuring top quality and affordable education to our youth is an important focus area for our Government.
Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan has termed the government’s decision to fund 60 per cent of the post matric scholarship scheme for the scheduled caste students as historic. He said that spending of Rs 35,534 crore by the government out of the total outlay of Rs 59,048 crore in the next five years will give impetus to providing access to quality education for 4 crore students from the disadvantaged sections. The financial support will fuel the ambition of students belonging to the SC community and empower them to achieve more, the Minister added.