After net withdrawals in the past two months, foreign investors pumped in nearly Rs. 8,000 crore into the India equity markets in just four session of June.
According to the depositories data, foreign portfolio investors, or FPIs, invested a net sum of Rs. 7,968 crore in the Indian equity market and Rs. 22 crore in the debt markets during the June 1-4 period.
This comes after a net withdrawal of Rs. 2,954 crore in May and Rs. 9,659 crore in April.
Prior to April, overseas investors had pumped in nearly Rs. 2 lakh crore into equities during October 2020 to March 2021 period, including an investment of Rs. 55,741 crore in the first three months of 2021.
So far this year, FPIs have invested Rs. 51,094 crore in equities, but have pulled out Rs. 17,300 crore from the debt market.