German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen nominated as the first woman to head European Commission.

German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen has been nominated for the post to replace Jean-Claude Juncker. The nomination came after the main front-runners were rejected.

Ursula was backed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel but there was resistance to her nomination within the German coalition.

Chief of International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde has been nominated as the first woman to head the European Central Bank.

Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel is nominated to replace European Council President Donald Tusk, while Spain’s Foreign Minister Josep Borrell is proposed as Foreign Policy Chief.

In all, EU leaders were tasked with nominating five people for the top jobs.

The fifth key role – President of the European Parliament – is to be chosen tomorrow. Possible candidates include German centre-right MEP Manfred Weber and Bulgarian socialist Sergei Stanishev.

Most of the roles must be ratified by Parliament.