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Many experts are now putting a question mark on the validity of the Panama Papers leaks. Now, former banker and financial whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld has added his own doubts, believing that all signs point to a US government involvement. Despite his high profile role in financial whistleblowing, Birkenfeld has strong doubts about the Panama Papers released earlier this month.

He said during an interview with CNBC that the CIA is behind this. The very fact that we see all these names surface that are the direct quote-unquote enemies of the United States. If you have got NSA and CIA spying on foreign governments they can certainly get into a law firm like this, Birkenfeld said.

Many question why the Panama Papers seem suspiciously absent of American names and a number of theories have been raised. Some point out that the United States, itself, is a fairly lucrative tax haven, and so Americans have less reason to place money overseas. Others have pointed the finger at American businessman George Soros.

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