Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said that that e-governance is easy, economical, effective and environment friendly. Launching the Supreme Court’s Integrated Case Management System (ICMS) of the Supreme Court in New Delhi today, Mr. Modi said, paperless offices will benefit the environment.

Mr. Modi also emphasised on change of mindset when it comes to use of technology for governance. The Prime Minister said, Information Technology plus Indian Talent is India Tomorrow.

He said, the understanding of technology should not be limited to hardware only. Mr Modi said, artificial intelligence will drive human race and there is huge possibility of job creation through it. He called upon the lawyers to create a mass movement to provide legal aid to the downtrodden and underprivileged.

Speaking on the occasion, Chief Justice of India Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar said that all the 24 high courts and the subordinate courts will be integrated with the new system.

He said, it will help usher transparency, reduce manipulation and help the litigant know about the progress of the case on a real time basis.

Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said, Government is promoting digitisation and innovation and he is happy that Supreme Court has brought this new initiative.