Kerala House is not a hotel, police must show restraint, says CM Oommen Chandy

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Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy today took strong exception to Delhi Police action at state-owned Kerala House in Delhi over beef served at its canteen.

Chandy told the media in Kozhikode that the police should have shown restraint. “The state guest house is not a hotel. The police should have followed certain amount of guidelines while raiding a canteen at a government guest house.

We would make our protest formal by writing to the Delhi government,” the Chief Minister said.  Delhi Chief minister Arvind Kejrival has condemned the police raid at Keral House.

“I strongly condemn Del police raid on Kerala house. I agree with Kerala CM that Kerala House is a govt guest House and not & not a hotel” Kejrival said in Tweet.

He added that Delhi police had no business to enter Kerala house. “It is an attack on fed structure. Delhi police is acting like BJP Sena”

“Will Del Police go n arrest a CM from a state Bhavan in del if they suspect the CM to be eating something that BJP or Modiji don’t like? asked CM.

A team of Delhi Police last evening went to Kerala House after Vishnu Gupta, a Hindu Sena leader, called and complained the canteen at the state guest house was serving beef, said police.

Police officials were seen in the canteen, talking to the employees. However, the Kerala House said they served only buffalo meat and had named it “beef”. Confirming the incident, a senior police official of New Delhi district said they received a PCR call around 4.30 pm over “beef” being served in the canteen.

The officer said the police rushed to the spot to prevent any untoward situation. “It was a preventive measure. The police went to the canteen and informed the staff of the complaint of the Hindu Sena, but did not collect any samples from the canteen,” said the officer. He added that when the police reached Kerala House, a few Hindu Sena activists were present at the spot.
Defending the move, Delhi police commissioner B S Bassi said police only made inquiries after receiving a call that beef was being served. Mr Bassi said police acted as per law. BJP leader Siddarth Nath Singh said the issue is being politicised.

Talking to reporters, he said beef being served in restaurants is illegal and police has the right to investigate if it receives any complaint.


Kerala House beef row: Police raid not attack on federal structure, says BJP