The BJP has won two seats of Member of Legislative Council (MLC) in Uttar Pradesh. The election for these seats was held on third of this month. Arun Pathak of BJP defeated Manvendra Swqaroop by 9,154 votes at Kanpur-Unnao division graduate constituency. At the same time Dr Jaipal Singh Vyast of BJP defeated Kumari Renu Mishra at Bareilly-Moradabad graduate constituency by 25,543 votes.
Meanwhile, Knapur-Unnao division teachers constituency is won by Raj Bahadur Singh Chandel. He has won this seat fifth time. Jhansi -Allahabd seat for teachers is won by Suresh Kumar Tiwatri who defeated Ashok Kumar by 1,535 votes. The result for one more seat at Gorakhpur-Faizabad graduate constituency seat is still awaited.