BASIC countries, that is — Brazil, South Africa, India and China — have urged developed nations to adhere to the commitment made under Paris Agreement and provide finance and technology to the developing World.

In a joint statement, the BASIC, a bloc of four large countries emphasized that global climate action should promote climate justice by recognizing fundamental equality of all people in accessing economic growth and sustainable development. After the conclusion of the two-day 29th BASIC Ministerial meeting on climate change in Beijing yesterday, they reaffirmed and emphasized the need for people’s participation and climate-friendly lifestyle to address the challenge of climate change.

Minister for Environment and Forests Prakash Javadekar along with Ministers from China, South Africa and Brazil attended the meeting.

The Ministers highlighted that developing countries, including BASIC, notwithstanding multiple challenges, such as food security and poverty eradication, have been implementing ambitious climate action based on their national circumstances in the context of sustainable development. India has already achieved 21 per cent reduction in emission intensity of GDP in 2014 compared to 2005 levels thereby achieving its Pre-2020 voluntary target.