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“We can only dream of a better world, when we realise that all of us are equals,” said Prof Yasmeen Saikia of Arizona State University, USA.

Delivering the keynote address at an online International Conference on ‘Gender Equality for a Better World: Issues and Challenges’ she said that equal opportunities will create better living conditions for all and bring the downtrodden in mainstream.

“We can only dream of a better world, when we realise that all of us are equals,” she said praising the founder of Women’s College in AMU, Shaikh Abdullah, who dedicated his life for education of girls.

The conference was organized by the Women’s College, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) in collaboration with University Grants Commission (UGC).

Other experts also stressed the importance gender equality as a human right, necessary for the foundation of a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

In the presidential address, Prof Amina Kishore (AMU and MANUU) pointed out the necessity of more empathy between people than ever.

Prof Amina said that Covid19 outbreak has led the world to a situation, where it is necessary we care more for each other.

She added that gender inequality is a struggle between backwardness and progress. Prof Amina also spoke on the contribution of Women’s College in women empowerment.

The Chief Guest, Dr Farah Usmani (Deputy Director, UNFPA-United Nations Population Fund, New York) delineated condition of women during the pandemic.

“Coronavirus spread has intensified the risk of violence against women and girls particularly in around 50 countries without laws against domestic violence. Millions of girls, out of schools, stand at the risk of child marriage, unintended pregnancies and HIV infection,” said Dr Farah.

Prof Naima Khatoon (Principal, Women’s College) welcomed the guests, while Prof Nazia Hasan introduced the theme of the conference.

A discussion on ‘Women’s Struggle and Higher Education’ followed the inaugural session with Prof Shireen Moosvi, Prof Ameena Kazi, Rakshanda Jalil and Prof Indu Agnihotri as panellists.

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