A day after the BJP targeted former Defence Minister A K Antony over the AgustaWestland deal, the later hit back today saying the deviation in the tender process for purchasing the VVIP helicopters started in 2003 during the NDA rule headed by Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Mr Antony claimed that he became suspicious about the deal when he, as the Defence Minister, observed the proceedings of a case in an Italian court.
The senior Congress leader, who is in the midst of electioneering for UDF candidates contesting the assembly polls, said those who have taken bribe in the case should be brought to book and punished. Asked if he was prepared for a questioning by Enforcement Directorate, Mr Antony said whatever action can be taken as per law, should be taken.
Union Minister Ravishankar Prasad had yesterday attacked Antony, saying since he held the Defence portfolio when the contract was awarded to the foreign firm in 2010, he has to explain who was driving the controversial deal for supplying VVIP helicopters to IAF.