Met Department forecast heavy rain in Gujarat and West Bengal during the next 48 hours. In Gujarat, Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on Sunday reviewed the flood situation in some parts of Saurashtra region. After making aerial survey of worst affected Chotila block in Surenranagar district, Mr. Rupani also instructed the district administration to speed up the relief works. In a separate review meeting at Chotila in Surendranagar and Jamkandorna in Rajkot district, he asked the administrations for immediate release of payment to the families of victims in flood and heavy rain. He also asked the state administration to remain on alert following heavy to very heavy rain warning by met office in next 48 hours.
According to official sources, power supply have been restored in most of the villages except the worst affected Chotila block. Vehicular traffic has already resumed on Ahmedabad Rajkot and Ahmedabad Bhuj National Highway- after Saturday’s heavy water logging. However, the rail traffic between Bhuj and Ahmedabad is still remain disrupted following heavy water logging on railway track near Maliya Minyana. Trains on this route are either cancelled or rescheduled.
Moreover West Bengal experienced widespread rains since Saturday, with the regional weather office predicting heavier rains for the next 48 hours. Several rivers in the southern and western districts of the state have swelled, but authorities ruled out any immediate flood threat. Howrah, Hooghly, West and East Midnapur, and parts of Birbhum, Purulia and Bankura districts, besides Kolkata, experienced heavy rains.
In Jharkhand, low pressure over Bay of Bengal caused heavy rains across the state. Road traffic between Odisha and West Bengal was affected, as the diversion on Kapagora river in Ghatshila district was washed away.
On the other hand rains have brought smiles back on the faces of farmers, who have commenced sowing of paddy.