The BJP today announced the first list of 149 candidates for the upcoming Assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh. Prominent among those included in the list are former State Unit Chief Laxmikant Bajpai from Meerut seat, party national Secretary Shrikant Sharma from Mathura, Sangeet Som from Sardhana, Janemejay Singh from Deoria and S P Baghel from Tundla.

BJP logoKapil Dev Agrawal will be the patry candidate from Muzaffarnagar, Manoj Chaudhary from Saharanpur and Vikram Singh from Fatehpur seat. The 403 member assembly will go to poll in seven phases starting from 11th of February.

The BJP also announced 64 candidates for Uttarakhand Assembly elections. The party has fielded Birendra Singh Pal from Dharchula assembly seat which is the home turf of present Chief Minister Harish Rawat. Besides,BJP State Unit Chief Ajay Bhatt will contest from Ranikhet.

Yashpal Arya who was the Cabinet Minister in Harish Rawat government will be the party candidate from Bajpur reserved seat. Mr Arya joined the BJP this afternoon. Former MP Satpal Maharaj will contest from Chaubattakhal.

Saurabh Bahuguna, son of former Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna will be the party nominee from Sitarganj. Briefing reporters Union Minister and senior party leader, J P Nadda said, efforts have been made to accommodate all sections of the society while finalising the list.He also said, all the sitting MLAs in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand have been renominated for the ensuing polls. The party also announced six candidates for Punjab Assembly.