In his bid to assert hi position Uttar Pradesh CM Akhilesh Yadav today ordered all his senior officers to not to take orders from others. Sources said that Akhilesh asked his Principal Secretary Anita Singh, DGP Javeed Ahmad and State Chief Cecretary Rahul Bhatnagar and others to take orders only from him and not from anyone else howsoever senior he or she may be.
Meanwhile the senior party leaders who had gathered to dwell upon the new party scenario at Mulayam’s residence concluded their meeting but tight lipped hey refused to comment and divulge any details before media. Shivpal Yadav, Speaker Mata Parasad Pandey, MPs Reoti Raman Singh and Beni Prasad Verma and national vice president Kironmoy Nanda were among those who attended the meeting.
Shivpal Yadav who was sacked as minister earlier today, was seen attending the meeting at Mulayam’s house in his personal car and not in the official cavalcade.
On the other hand shouting slogans against Amar Singh, Akhilesh’s supporters torn out the posters and pictures of Amar Singh in front of CM residence and demanded his expulsion from the party.
Meanwhile BJP has said that Akhilesh Yadav government has lost the majority in the state and should first prove his majority on the floor of the house. Speaking to media today state BJP chief KP Maurya demanded that Governor should refrain the Akhilesh government from taking big decisions till it proves the majority on the floor.