jaya-newSoon after Madras High Court observed that people of Tamil Nadu has right to know the status of heat of their chief minister, Apollo Hospitals Chennai where Jayalalithaa is undergoing treatment came out with a statement of her health saying her condition “continues to improve”.

The condition of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa at the Apollo Hospitals in Chennai “continues to improve”, said a statement issued by the hospital on Tuesday evening.

“The same line of treatment is being continued. The Honourable Chief Minister is under close observation by the team of doctors,” the statement said in an update on Ms. Jayalalithaa’s health.

”The Honourable Chief Minister has been advised further stay in the hospital for treatment,” the statement, signed by Subbiah Viswanathan, COO of the hospital, said.

“Puratchi Thalaivi Amma is under close observation by the team of doctors & has been advised to further stay in Hospital – Apollo Hospital” a tweet from AIDMK official twitter handle.

Madras HC asks TN govt to public info on Jayalalithaa’s health