rajya sabhaNew Delhi: The Congress today moved an adjournment motion in the Rajya Sabha against Minister of State for Human Resource and Development (HRD) Ram Shankar Katheria for hi inflammatory rant against the Muslim community.

Union minister warns of ‘final battle’ against Muslims

Congress leader Anand Sharma has given the adjournment motion in the House. However, Katheria has cried foul saying that the charges against him are completely untrue.

Samajawadi Party (SP) leader Ram Gopal Yadav had said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi should sack the minister for making such inflammatory remarks.

According to the footage, Katheria, along with BJP MP from Fatehpur Sikri Babu Lal, had recently attended a condolence meeting held for VHP worker Arun Mahaur, who was allegedly killed by Muslim youth, in Agra. During the meeting, several speakers threatened the Muslim community of revenge.

One of the speakers also reportedly asked the gathering to “corner Muslims and destroy the demons (rakshas).”