The tragedy unfolded when Pushpak Express passengers, fearing a potential fire after smoke emanated from the train’s wheels, hastily jumped onto the tracks.
At least 11 passengers were killed after they being hit by the Bengaluru Express in Maharashtra’s Jalgaon district, railway officials said. The catastrophic train accident occurred near the Paranda railway station at 4.19 pm on Wednesday.
According to railway officials, the tragedy unfolded when passengers aboard the Pushpak Express, fearing a potential fire after smoke emanated from the train’s wheels, hastily jumped onto the tracks in an attempt to escape. The train was heading from Lucknow to Mumbai. The sudden movement of passengers onto the tracks set the stage for the ensuing disaster.
At that very moment, the Bengaluru Express, traveling in the opposite direction, collided with the passengers who had jumped onto the tracks.
“Some passengers of the Pushpak Express stepped down, and were hit by the oncoming Karnataka Express,” said Central Railway’s chief spokesperson Swapnil Nila.