The Janata Dal-United on Wednesday sacked its Manipur unit president, Ksh Biren Singh, in an effort to quell growing speculation about its ties with the Bharatiya Janata Party.
Party’s national spokesperson Rajiv Ranjan said Singh’s removal was due to indiscipline and asserted that the party would continue to support the BJP-led government in the northeastern state.
Ranjan affirmed that the JD-U remains committed to supporting the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance, not just in Manipur but across the country.
“Our party has worked diligently to strengthen the NDA and will continue to do so,” he added.
Ranjan’s remark came shorty after Ksh Biren Singh claimed that the party had withdrawn support to the BJP-led Biren Singh government and informed its decision to governor Ajay Kumar Bhalla.
The state unit chief had also claimed that the lone JDU MLA in the state, Md Abdul Nasir, will sit in the opposition benches.