Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that the India-US partnership augurs well for the future of democracy. Addressing the US Congress today, Mr Modi said, the US is the oldest and India the largest democracy. He said, democracy is the culture that gives wings to thought and expression. 

The Prime Minister said, India is blessed to have such values from times immemorial. He said, in the evolution of the democratic spirit, India is the Mother of Democracy. Mr Modi said, together, India and the US shall demonstrate that democracies matter and democracies deliver. He said, we must revive multilateralism and reform multilateral institutions with better resources and representation that applies to all our global institutions of governance, especially the UN.

PM Modi said, when the world has changed, our institutions too must change or risk getting replaced by a world of rivalries without rules. He said, in working for a new world order based on international law, the two countries India and the US will be at the forefront as partners. 

He further adds, over two centuries, we have inspired each other through the lives of great Americans and Indians. He said, the lives of great individuals like Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi have inspired both India and the United States, forging a deep connection between our nations. 

The Prime Minister said, it is always a great honour to address the United States Congress and it is an exceptional privilege to do so twice. He said, in the past few years, there have been many advances in AI – Artificial Intelligence, and at the same time, there have been even more momentous developments in other AI – America, and India.

Mr Modi said, throughout history, the US have embraced people from around the world and there are millions in the US, who have roots in India. He said some of them sit proudly in the chamber of US Congress.

The Prime Minister said, last year, India celebrated 75 years of its independence. He said, every milestone is important, but this one was special. Mr Modi said, India is the home to all faiths in the world and we celebrate all of them. He said, in India, diversity is a natural way of life, and today the world wants to know more and more about India.

The Prime Minister said India has over 2,500 political parties and about 20 different parties govern various states of India. He said, India has 22 official languages and thousands of dialects, yet it speaks in one voice. Mr. Modi said when he first visited the US as Prime Minister, India was the 10th largest economy in the world. He said, today, India is the 5th largest economy and it will be the 3rd largest economy soon.

Mr. Modi emphasized that India is not only growing bigger but it is also growing faster. He said when India grows the whole world grows. The Prime Minister said, today in modern India, women are leading us to a better future. He highlighted that India’s vision is not just of development that benefits women, it is of women-led development where women lead the journey of progress.

Mr Modi said a woman has risen from a humble tribal background to be India’s Head of State.He said, our vision is ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayaas’. The Prime Minister said the Government of India is focussing on infrastructure developments. He said, his Government has given nearly 14 million homes to provide shelter to over 150 million people, which is nearly six times the population of Australia.

Mr Modi said, in India, technology is not about innovation but also inclusion. He said, 850 million people receive direct benefit financial help into their accounts. The Prime Minister said a spirit of democracy, inclusion, and sustainability defines India. He said India grows while being responsible for the planet Earth. Mr Modi said, the earth is our mother and we are her children. He added that Indian culture deeply respects the environment and the planet earth. 

He highlighted that India is the only G20 country to meet its Paris commitment. The Prime Minister said, by being mindful in making choices, every individual can make a positive impact. He said, making sustainability a mass movement, will help the world reach the Net Zero target faster.

The Prime Minister said, this is not an era of war, but it is one of dialogue and diplomacy. He said we all must do what we can to stop the bloodshed and human suffering. Mr Modi said, more than two decades after 9/11 and more than a decade after 26/11 in Mumbai, radicalism and terrorism still remain a danger for the whole world. 

He said, these ideologies keep taking new identity and forms but their intentions are same. The Prime Minister said, terrorism is an enemy of humanity and there can be no ifs or buts in dealing with it.