The Lakkhi Mela of Rajasthan also called Kaila Devi Chaitra Mela of the famous Shaktipeeth Kailadevi in the Karauli district has begun today. It commemces on the 12th day of Chaitra Badi and continues for a fortnight, bringing the entire region alive with vivid colour and devotional fervour. More than 50 lakh devotees are expected to attend this fair which will continue till the 4th of April.

The district administration and the temple trust have made elaborate arrangements for the safety of the devotees.
The fair has gained immense prominence as lakhs of devotees from different communities come to pay obeisance to the goddess Kaila Devi.

The fair also showcases the craftsmanship of numerous people, handcrafted wood, lacquer and metal products, tribal headgear, silver jewellery, mirror work, hand woven and embroidered textiles and much more. Cultural performances and wrestling displays by great pahalwans are also featured.