Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has asked the administration to speed up the work of the Divisional Chief Minister’s Secretariat, which is functioning at the regional level, so that the common people can experience a people-oriented, transparent administration.
The Chief Minister was speaking at a meeting regarding the good governance rules, the working of the Divisional Chief Minister’s Secretariat held in Mumbai two days ago.
As per the release issued today by Chief Minister’s office, he appealed to the citizens to submit their complaints, statements and applications to the Divisional Chief Minister’s Secretariat.
It was informed in the meeting that with the aim of bringing more public orientation, transparency and dynamism to the common people, Regional Office (CMO) of the Chief Minister’s Secretariat has already been started in the Divisional Commissioner’s Offices in Konkan, Amravati, Pune, Nashik, Aurangabad, Nagpur.
It was also informed that the Deputy Revenue Commissioners in the Divisional Commissioner’s Offices have been declared as Special Duty Officers of the Divisional Chief Minister’s Secretariat.
Public Information Officers, Assistant Public Information Officers and Appellate Authorities have been appointed in the Chief Minister’s Secretariat room in all Divisional Commissioner’s Offices to avoid administrative delay and prompt action on information applications received under Right to Information.
The Chief Minister stated that people in rural areas should not feel the need to come to the Mumbai for their work. Their problem should be resolved at the local level.