AMN / Lucknow

Many programmes are being organized during the poshan saptah or nutrition week across Uttar Pradesh as part of National nutrition month. With an aim to make the Rashtriya Poshan Maah (National Nutrition Month) a success, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had launched the month-long drive against malnutrition in the state and stressed on the need for public participation.

Many awareness activities are being organised particularly among women during this week. District administration, NGOs, University graduates and social workers ANMs, and Asha workers.

Under the awareness campaign, the plan is to add gram Panchayat as poshan Panchayat and create awareness about health issues related to women and the education of children. Many interactive activities are also being organized for the active participation of women and children, particularly in rural areas. Different government organizations are working in tandem to make this campaign successful.