In Jammu and Kashmir, Shri Amarnathji Yatra resumed today from Baltal and Pahalgam tracks after remaining suspended for a day due to inclement weather. A fresh batch of 5,982 pilgrims with 3,363 via Pahalgam and 2,619 via Baltal route, in a cavalcade of 209 vehicles left the Bhagwati Nagar Base Camp in Jammu this morning.
As per official sources, 12,745 Yatris including 446 by Chopper have left from Baltal route while 8,915 Yatris have left from Pahalgam route towards Holy Cave Shrine till 11 A.M. to pay their obeisance at the holy cave shrine of Shri Amarnathji.
A total of 73,546 Yatris have had the holy Darshan of Lord Shiva till last evening.
The online Darshan is also available on the website of Shri Amarnath Ji Shrine Board