Prime Minister and senior BJP leader Narendra Modi today addressed an election rally at Jalandhar. Starting his address with tributes to the freedom fighters of Punjab and martyrs of Pulwama PM said, in the border state of Punjab peace is a must for National Integration and harmony. He said, for national security, there is a need for the government that could work with solemnity and gravity. He said, the double engine government can move Punjab fast on the path of development.
Taking a swipe at the state’s Congress government over the January 5 breach in his security he said that he wanted to offer prayers at a temple after today’s event, but was told by the police they won’t be able to make arrangements for the visit. It will not happen if BJP government comes into the state, he added.
PM said on February 16 is Ravidas Jayanti. Paying tributes to Guru Ravidas PM said, he has got an opportunity to get started the construction and renovation works at the birthplace of Guru Ravi Das birthplace in Kashi.
Remembering his days in Punjab Mr Modi said that Punjab has given him a lot. He said, BJP and its allies are contesting with the slogan of ‘Nawan Punjab Bhajpa De Naal’. He said, Nawan Punjab will have its heritage as well as development. It will be free of debt and full of opportunities. He said, the brothers and sisters of Scheduled Caste community will be given respect and due share in new Punjab and there will be no place for mafia.
He claimed that NDA government is going to be elected in the state and it will start a new era of development. He said that the policies of Congress has destroyed the industry in Jalandhar when BJP and its allies will form a government the industry will be revived.
He said, the farmers of the state with green revolution provided food to whole of the country but some people to fulfill their political interests are ruining them. He said that steps would be taken for decreasing the production cost of crops, increase the income of farmers, and promotion of organic farming to save the health of the soil.