The World Economic Forum has announced that its annual meeting will be held in person for the first time during the Covid-19 pandemic, from 22nd of May till 26th of May this year at Davos in Switzerland.

The annual gathering of the world’s political, economic, and business elite traditionally takes place in January against the idyllic snowy backdrop of the Swiss ski resort of Davos. But the forum has not been held since January 2020, despite repeated postponements and even a proposed one-off shift to Singapore.

In a statement, World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and Chairman Klaus Schwab said, after all the virtual meetings taking place in the last two years, leaders from politics, business, and civil society have to convene finally in person again. The WEF said, they need to establish the atmosphere of trust that is truly needed to accelerate collaborative action and to address the multiple challenges we face. The WEF added, the gathering, under the theme of ‘Working Together, Restoring Trust’, will offer leaders a chance to take stock of the state of the world and shape policies for the crucial period ahead.

The Geneva-based organization said it would be in close communication with the Swiss government on the Covid-19 situation in the wealthy Alpine nation.