Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has asked to make triple time of current vaccination from 1st July. Chief Minister has said that there are enough vaccines available for the vaccination drive in state and speedy vaccination is going on.
More than two crore 23 lakh Covid vaccines have been administered so far.
The government has targeted to inoculate more than one crore vaccines in the month of June for which special vaccination drive has been launched.
From tomorrow Monday two women special vaccination sessions will be organised in every district so that the women can be inoculated in maximum numbers.
Meanwhile in 71 districts where the number of active Covid cases has come below 600 the partial Covid curfew will be relaxed from tomorrow as Saturday and Sunday is weekly closure in state. Presently there are four districts Meerut, Saharanpur Gorakhapur and capital Lucknow without any relaxation in partial curfew as there the number of active cases is above 600.