After a big spike in Covid 19 cases post Diwali festival, now new cases are slowly decreasing in Gujarat. Quoting official sources, New cases of Covid19 recorded during the last 24 hours have fallen below the 1400 mark. Number of containment zones also reduced significantly in Ahmedabad.

Ahmedabad city added just eight new societies in the micro containment zone during the last 3 days. With this, the number of societies falling under micro-containment zones has come down to just 174. This number had increased to over 300 during the first week of December. Not a single society added in the micro containment zone in Ahmedabad yesterday.

According to the sources, the municipal authorities are not declaring micro containment zones in the areas where new cases are found on a sporadic basis. Only areas with more than 3 cases on the same floor are being added in the micro containment zone. Ahmedabad city has 2568 active cases at present, which was more than 3200 a month ago.