Normally, a political party is known for its commitment to specific economic, social and political issues, but in the case of the Congress, ‘ideology’ does not seem to matter in equal measure. In most cases, the Congress’s concept of ‘continuity with change’ has helped the party tide over many crises. However, even though it is always adapting and changing, the Congress can by no stretch of the imagination be viewed as an ideologically-neutral organization.
Over the years, the grand old party has developed an ideology of its own, albeit in a rather flexible and amorphous manner.
This book tracks the story of the contemporary Congress – its key characters, its ideology, its failure and its success, in the years after the Emergency. Using the Congress seat of power at 24 Akbar Road as his vantage, author Rasheed Kidwai draws a compelling account of the rule –both backseat and forefront – of the various Congress leaders, from Indira Gandhi to Rahul Gandhi, who have helped steer its course.
About the author:
Rasheed Kidwai is Associate Editor of The Telegraph, Calcutta and author of ‘Sonia — A Biography’ (Penguin India) 2003 & 2009. A graduate from St. Stephen’s College, Rasheed Kidwai, holds a Master’s degree in Mass Communication from Leicester University, UK.
His Book ‘Sonia – A Biography’ (Viking 2003) was an independent biography of the Congress president. Kidwai is a regular political commentator on various television networks, radio and newspapers. He is a guest lecturer in several journalism schools and universities. (AMN)