CHENNAI: (AMN) About 164 people have been killed and several missing as rain continued to lash the coastal districts of  Tamil Nadu. The water bodies in most of the areas are overflowing at many places. Over 1.5 lakh hectare of standing crops are under water. Harishchandra river breaching its embankments at Puthur, Alangudi has inundated 15 villages in Nagapattinam yesterday. according to state officials more than 800 people and cattle have been moved to safer areas. 

The Met Department has predicted rain for the next 48 hours due to low pressure area in Bay of Bengal. Roads and bridges have been damaged along with power and telephone lines across the state. Chennai have been experiencing heavy spells of rain intermittently. Low-lying areas in the city continue to experience water stagnation and traffic logging. Authority are on all round the clock service to monitor the stituation and to move people to safer areas when situation arises.  

The heavy downpour has submerged standing crop in over one lakh fifty thousand hectares in the delta districts. With water bodies across the state overflowing, over one lakh people living along the banks have been housed in relief camps where they are being provided with food. 

The rains have damaged roads and bridges in over ten districts including Cuddalore, Villupuram, Tuticorin, Tirunelveli and the delta districts of Thanjavur, Thiruvarur and Nagapattinam, Meanwhile, 8 senior officials of state government today began surveying the affected areas to assess the damages to the crops and infrastructure They will submit their report to the government on Tuesday. 

The chief minister has convened a special cabinet meeting on Tuesday to discuss the report after which the relief and rehabilitation package is likely to be announced.