Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal leads Indian delegation


Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal reached Geneva, Switzerland to attend the 12th World Trade Organisation, WTO Ministerial Conference that begins today after a gap of almost five years. Mr. Goyal is leading the Indian delegation in the Conference. In a tweet, Mr. Goyal said, it is India’s endeavour to work for a positive and equitable outcome for MC12 negotiations. Hope that the forum will address India’s concerns on issues affecting the vulnerable sections of society.

The key areas of discussions and negotiations in this year’s conference include WTO’s response to the pandemic, fisheries subsidies negotiations and agriculture issues including public stockholding for food security.

India has a vital stake in protecting the interests of all stakeholders in the country and the interests of the developing and poor nations that look up to the leadership of India at multilateral forums including WTO.