Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on Friday and Saturday. He will dedicate and lay foundation stone of projects worth over 25 thousand crore rupees.

On Friday, Prime Minister will pay floral tributes to the statues of saint poet Sri Kanaka Dasa and also to Maharshi Valmiki at Vidhana Soudha, Bengaluru. He will flag off Vande Bharat Express and Bharat Gaurav Kashi Darshan Train at KSR railway station in Bengaluru. Mr Modi will also inaugurate Terminal 2 of Kempegowda International Airport.

On Saturday, Prime Minister will inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of multiple projects at Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh. He will dedicate and lay the foundation stone of projects worth ten thousand 500 crore rupees. He will lay the foundation stone of Andhra Pradesh section of six lane Greenfield Raipur- Visakhapatnam Economic Corridor.

In Ramagundam, Telangana, Prime Minister Modi will dedicate and lay the foundation stone of multiple projects worth over nine thousand 500 crore in Ramagundam. He will dedicate Fertilizer plant at Ramagundam to the nation.

In Gandhigram, Tamil Nadu, Prime Minister will address the 36th Convocation ceremony of Gandhigram Rural Institute. More than two thousand three hundred students will receive their degrees in the convocation ceremony.