In Uttar Pradesh, the festival of colours Holi was celebrated across the state with traditional and religious fervour. AIR Correspondent reports, the enitre state including the Braj Mandal got drenched in feelings and enthusiasm of Holi today. Holi in Braj Mandal is celebrated in its own style. From the onset of Basant Panchami not only people but the whole atmosphere in Braj becomes enthused with Holi. Mathura celebrates Holi in several ways this entire month, like Laddu ki Holi, Lathmar Holi, Holi with flowers and of course Holi played with Colurs.

It is said that the celebration of Holi was first of all started from Brij where Lord Sri Krishna used to play Holi with Gopikas. In Braj everyone is seen colored in the fun of Holi today, as is the tradition. People were seen playing Holi by offering Abir, Gulal and different colours in major temples here including Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi, Dwarkadhish Temple, Thakur Banke Bihariji Temple, Priyakantju Temple, Gowardhan Giriraj Ji Temple, Barsana, Nandgaon, Gokul and other major temples.

Holi songs and Rasiya were performed at temples and public places. Visitors from foreign conutries also gathered in a sizeable numbers at temples in Mathura and enjoyed Holi. The festival of Holi was celebrated with similar traditional customs in Ayodhya, Varanasi and other places as well.

Meanwhile, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath while greeting people has appealed to celebrate Holi following COVID-19 protocols. He has asked people not to relax the norms of COVID in the wake of upcoming festivals also.