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Pradeep Singh topped the exam while Pratibha Verma is topper among women


Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced the results of Civil Services Examination – 2019. A total of 829 candidates have been selected to various Civil Services through this examination. Pradeep Singh has topped the exam while Pratibha Verma is the topper among the women candidates. The final result is available on the official website of UPSC.

Pradeep Singh who topped the examination said he will work for the poor and deprived sections of the society.

Based on the result of the written part of the Civil Services Examination, 2019 held in September and the interviews for personality tests held in February-August, a total of 829 candidates have passed the exam. Most of the qualified candidates (304) are from the general category. The candidates have been recommended for Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS) and Indian Police Service (IPS), among other civil services.

UPSC Civil Services Final Result 2019 Live

Those who have yet to check their result can follow these steps – visit upsc.gov.in or upsconline.nic.in. Click on the result link. Log-in using credentials. Result will display on the screen. Download it, and take a print out for further reference.

Top 10 rank holders of UPSC CSE 2019

Rank 1: Pradeep Singh
Rank 2: Jatin Kishore
Rank 3: Pratibha Verma
Rank 4: Himanshu Jain
Rank 5: JEYDEV C S
Rank 6: Vishakha Yadav
Rank 7: Ganesh Kumar Baskar
Rank 8: Abhishek Saraf
Rank 9: Ravi Jain
Rank 10: Sanjita Mohapatra

Based on the result of the written part of Civil Services Examination, 2019 held by the Union Public Service Commission in September, 2019 and the interviews for Personality Test held in February-August, 2020, following is the list, in order of merit, of candidates who have been recommended for appointment to:

  1. Indian AdministrativeService;
  2. Indian ForeignService;
  3. Indian Police Service;and
  4. CentralServices,Group‘A’andGroup‘B’
  5. A total number of 829 candidates have been recommended for appointment as per followingbreak-up:
304(incl.11PwBD-1, 05PwBD-2,12 PwBD-3 &01PwBD-5)78(incl.01 PwBD-1, Nil PwBD-2, Nil PwBD-3 & Nil PwBD-5)251(incl.04PwBD-1,03PwBD-2,01 PwBD-3 &02 PwBD-5)129(incl.Nil PwBD-1, 01PwBD-2,Nil PwBD-3&01PwBD-5)67(incl.01 PwBD-1, Nil PwBD-2, Nil PwBD-3&NilPwBD-5)829(incl.17PwBD-1, 09PwBD-2,13 PwBD-3 &04PwBD-5)
  1. In accordance with Rule 16 (4) & (5) of the Civil Services Examination Rules 2019, the Commission is maintaining a consolidated Reserve List of candidates as under:
  1. Appointment to the various Services will be made according to the number of vacancies available with due consideration to the provisions contained in the Rules for the Examination. The number of vacancies reported by the Government to be filled is as under:
Central Services Group ‘A’196341096435438
Group ‘B’ Services5714421408135
  1. The result of 11 candidates has been kept withheld.
  2. The result of Civil Services Examination, 2019 is subject to changes, if any, that may be necessitated by the orders that may be passed by the Hon’ble Courts in matters pending beforethem.
  3. UPSC has a “Facilitation Counter” near Examination Hall in its campus.Candidates can obtain any information / clarification regarding their examinations / recruitments on the working days between 10:00 hours to 17:00 hours in person or over telephone Nos. 23385271 / 23381125 / 23098543.
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