In a marked improvement in the COVID-19 situation in Tamil Nadu, the number of discharged patients has far outnumbered the fresh cases. The state chief minister Edappaadi Palaniswamy accompanied by health and revenue ministers and senior officials in Chennai reviewed the situation with all district collectors through video-conferencing. Later, he told reporters that 25 people have been tested positive for the disease today while 62 others were discharged.
the mortality rate due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Tamil Nadu remains low and almost stagnant at 1.2 per cent. A silver lining is that for the past three consecutive days, the new COVID-19 cases remains comparatively lower, that is below 40, the lowest figure this month being 25 today. Epidemiologists say if the trend continues further for a few more days, then it would indicate the declining curve in the state. Meanwhile, the police have begun returning the vehicles seized in the state for violation of the lockdown.