Prime Minister Narendra Modi while addressing a Traders National Convention held at Talkatora Stadium at New Delhi Friday lauded the yeomen services rendered by business community in development of economy and the nation and termed their role as a backbone of Country’s economy. Thousands of traders from Delhi and other States were present in the convention. This meeting of Prime Minister with traders at a juncture when election campaigning is at a high swing assumes much significance and will favour BJP a lot. There are about 7 crore traders across Country which provide employment to more than 30 crore people. The traders have a dominant role on almost 195 Loksabha seats all over the Country and their voting pattern can influence the results to a great extent.
Welcoming the Prime Minister, CAIT Secretary General Mr. Praveen Khandelwal said that it is a matter of great satisfaction that BJP has included some of the very crucial and fundamental issues of the traders in its election manifesto and expressed hope than when in power again, Shri Modi led Government will implement the declarations in a speedy way.
Khandelwal urged the Prime Minister to provide subsidy of 50% to the traders opting for computerisation to take digital India down the line whereas the Bank charges upto 2% levied on digital transactions should be offloaded from traders and consumers and the Government should directly subsidise these charges to Banks. E-Commerce policy should be made in a such a way that it provide equal opportunity to all stakeholders and fair competition in the market. The Non-Banking Finance Companies and Micro Finance Institutions should be brought in place of Banks to provide loans to traders under Mudra Yojna. Various Acts, Laws and Rules governing trade should be reviewed. Traders should be compensated in event of natural calamity. Infrastructural development of commercial markets across Country should be devised. A permanent solution to Delhi sealing should be brought in to provide relief to traders of Delhi.