In a historic breakthrough, NHIDCL (National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited) successfully completed the excavation of the 1st tube of the Khellani Tunnel in Doda district of Jammu and Kashmir.

The work on the said tunnel started on 25th of March 2021. This tunnel is crucial for the Sudhmahadev- Goha-Khalleni- Chhatroo-Khambal project as apart from being all weather connectivity, it will shorten the distance between Doda and Kishtwar Districts by 30 kilometers. The estimated cost of the 1.574 – kilometers Khellani tunnel Project is 431.28 crore rupees and is expected to be completed in two years. Upon completion, this road project will reduce the travelling time for the inhabitants of Doda and Kishtwar Districts to Srinagar and Jammu and will boost the economy of the area.