2 newly minted Rs 2,000 notes were found on the 2 militants who were gunned down on Tuesday in an encounter by security forces in Jammu and Kashmir’s Bandipora district. A cache of arms and ammunition were recovered, in addition to Rs 15,000 in cash — 2 Rs 2,000 notes and the remaining in Rs 100 notes.
According to an Indian Army spokesperson in Srinagar, a joint operation was launched by the army and the local police based on specific information in Hajin in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district. The encounter ended after the 2 militants were gunned down and a combing operation was carried out.
Preliminary reports suggest the duo — both believed to be foreigners — belonged to Lashkar-e-Taiba, police said, but their identity is yet to be ascertained.In Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s surprise announcement on Nov.8 on scrapping of high denomination banknotes, he cited as one of the key targets of the denomination drive militants allegedly funded by counterfeit Indian currency from Pakistan.