Islamabad says foreign secretaries of India and Pakistan will meet on January 14 and 15 to prepare a schedule of meeting for the comprehensive dialogue. Pakistan Prime Minister’s Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said, during the proposed meeting, foreign secretaries will draw up a map for the next six months for talks on 10 identified subjects.

Aziz made a policy statement in Pak Senate regarding the short visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Pakistan on December 25. Sounding a note of caution against unrealistic expectations from the talks, Aziz said the dialogue process is challenging as it involves difficult decisions and important issues.

He said there will be progress on some issues soon, while it will take time for progress on others. Aziz said, Mr Modi’s visit was a goodwill visit and it has been welcomed by majority of people in Pakistan and India and the international community. He said the warmth of relations created by the Lahore meeting will hopefully have an impact on the formal dialogue.