Madhya Pradesh reported 2200 cases of dengue so far. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan held discussions with the collectors of districts of Mandsaur, Jabalpur, Ratlam, Agar-Malwa, Bhopal, Chhindwara and Indore which are most affected by dengue.

State government will launch special awareness campaign to spread information about the measures to prevent dengue on September 15.

Intensive fogging and larvae destruction are in progress for control. Fines are also being imposed for water logging in homes. District Collectors of the affected districts informed that awareness campaigns and activities for prevention and control are being conducted.

Necessary arrangements have also been made for treatment. Urban bodies, ASHA workers, Anganwadi workers are conducting survey and fogging work intensively. A 10-bedded isolation ward is also being operated in all district hospitals for the treatment of dengue patients.