Jharkhand government has extended the ongoing Health Safety Week till July 1 effective from today with the same relaxations and restrictions in force. Jharkhand State Government has been warned by the Ministry of Health and Family of Welfare ahead of the suspected Delta variant sample found in COVID-19 positive patients in the State sent for genome sequencing at Institute of Life Sciences Bhubaneshwar.

The state government has been asked to increase testing, sampling and isolation of suspected patients of the Delta plus variants of COVID-19. Chief Minister Hemant Soren has announced extension of Unlock-4 for another one week till July 1 with same guidelines, restrictions and relaxations.

All government and private offices shall function with fifty per cent attendance till 4 p.m, while all shops, shopping malls, departmental stores and business establishments will open till 4 p.m. Educational and religious places will remain closed. Online teaching will continue in educational institutions. Inter-state buses have been prohibited to play while e-pass continues to be a mandatory document for any travel within the state.