Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya said that over 86 per cent of the adult population is now fully vaccinated in the country. The Ministry said, the country’s COVID vaccination coverage has crossed 188 crore mark. It said, more than 19 lakh vaccine doses were administered today.
The Ministry said, more than three crore 18 lakh vaccine doses have been administered to 12 to 14 years age group so far. Over two crore 72 lakh precaution doses have been administered to the identified categories of beneficiaries including Health Care Workers, Front Line Workers and people above 18 years of age.
The nationwide COVID 19 vaccination started on 16th January 2021. The new phase of universalization of COVID-19 vaccination commenced from 21st June 2021. The vaccination drive has been ramped up through availability of more vaccines, advance visibility of vaccine availability to States and UTs for enabling better planning by them, and streamlining the vaccine supply chain.
As part of the nationwide vaccination drive, Government of India has been supporting the States and UTs by providing them COVID Vaccines free of cost. In the new phase of the universalization of the COVID19 vaccination drive, the Union Government will procure and supply (free of cost) 75% of the vaccines being produced by the vaccine manufacturers in the country to States and UTs.