Themed Covid Se Azaadi, the event saw 40 schools and college students display their talent in singing, dancing, poetry, and other areas
Staff Reporter / New Delhi
As a part of making India a healthier and disease-free nation, the Heart Care Foundation of India (HCFI) organized a mega talent show commemorating India’s 74th Independence Day on August 15.
Over 250 students from various schools and colleges participated in this unique online talent hunt and the theme for the day was Covid Se Azaadi. There was a plethora of events ranging from singing, dancing, and drama to poetry, etc. All the students were dressed in colourful Indian attire signifying the true spirit of the nation –the youth.

Speaking at the event, Dr K K Aggarwal, said, “At the outset, I wish everyone a Happy Independence Day. On this day, it is once again time to remember and honor the sacrifice of those who made it possible for us to enjoy this freedom. However, freedom also comes with responsibility – of thought, words, and action. The world today is facing a pandemic of an unprecedented scale. The need of the hour is to ensure that we follow protocols, wear mask and maintain social distancing. While precautions are important, we must also not fall prey to panic and fear and this can only happen when we have access to right information about the disease. Let us embrace this new normal and move forward without becoming anxious.”
During the lockdown, the HCFI has been constantly endeavoring to bring together experts to share their insights as well as discuss the way forward on living with Coronavirus. There have been various online sessions for everyone from teachers and educators to children and traders on measures they should take and the way forward.
Some tips from HCFI
• It is important to remember that if there is no fever or flu then it is not corona. If there is no breathlessness, then there is no oxygen requirement.
• It is better to do a Corona namaste or elbow touch rather than shaking hands.
• Maintain social distance 1 meter from a person with cough and cold; wash hands (Remember the mnemonic SUMAN K – seedha ulta mutthi anghuta nakhun kalai) with soap and water or 70% alcohol sanitizer, disinfect surfaces, use surgical masks, if infected (symptoms If you have fever with dry cough with or without breathlessness self- isolate (quarantine yourself at home), wear surgical mask, do frequent hand wash and call your doctor.
• It doesn’t get transmitted between children to children and, if any child has COVID, after 3-4 days the symptoms disappear.There is a need to have proper ventilation in rooms and washrooms in our offices.
• An air purifier with 10 exchanges per hour and a micro-filter can help in preventing COVID-19 transmission.
One should undertake simple exercises for strengthening lungs that include blowing balloons, blowing bubbles in water via a straw, and many more. One should maintain a high protein diet by eating all types of vegetables.
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