A day after a spat with state Health Minister Anil Vij, Haryana Government today transferred SP of Fatehabad district Sangeeta Kalia. At a meeting of the Fatehabad District Grievances and Public Relations Committee, Ms. Kalia had argued with the Minister on the issue of illegal sale of alcohol in the villages of the district.

The issue was raised by someone from public and the minister asked explanation from the police officer. Not satisfied with the reply and irked with open defiance of the authority, when angry minister asked the police officer to get out from the room, she refused to go and minister left the meeting place. Mr Vij later complained to the chief minister and the DGP about the insubordination and indifferent behaviour of Ms. Kalia.

Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar earlier today told media that he had taken cognizance of the matter and it will be dealt with appropriately. The spat issue drew sharp reactions from various quarters, with opposition slamming Vij over his comments, while Chairman of National Commission for Scheduled Castes, P L Punia, demanded that the Minister should be sacked.

Explaining his move, Mr. Vij said, in a tweet, he is ready to pay any price and make sacrifice to ensure justice to people who are oppressed due to indifferent attitude of administration.

Government has decided to transfer Ms. Kalia to the new posting as Commandant of the India Reserve Battalion in Manesar. The formal orders are yet to issued.